American Exchange NewsUncategorized Prior Authorizations: A Lesser Known Inconvenience of Health Plans Prior Authorizations: A Lesser Known Inconvenience of Health Plans It was mid-January, and I had…Andy JonesFebruary 10, 2016
American Exchange News A Typical Conversation Post-Open Enrollment A Typical Conversation Post-Open Enrollment The conversation remains the same. A potential client will call…Andy JonesFebruary 3, 2016
American Exchange News Student Health Plans Going to College? Turning 26? College students have several different health insurance options. Under the…Andy JonesSeptember 3, 2015
American Exchange News I Lost My Tax Credit – What Can I Do? Opening your premium notice from the health insurance company and discovering that you owe much…Andy JonesAugust 5, 2015
American Exchange News The Basics of Dental Insurance While major medical insurance is the bulk of what people are most interested in, other…Andy JonesAugust 4, 2015
American Exchange News What is Modified Adjusted Gross Income? The individual Health Insurance Marketplace application requires individuals to provide accurate income information to determine…Andy JonesJuly 31, 2015
American Exchange News Changes to Reporting Requirements of Employer Sponsored Group Health Plans Written by: Andrew Hetzler The PPACA puts additional requirements on employer sponsored group health insurance…Andy JonesJune 22, 2015
American Exchange News Partnering with Agents and Brokers for Enrollment Assistance The common goal for the PPACA, aka Obamacare, is to provide easy consumer access to…Andy JonesJune 15, 2015
American Exchange News Reduce Your COBRA Cost with One Simple Step If your company is required to offer employees COBRA continuation of your group sponsored health…Andy JonesJune 11, 2015
American Exchange News The Pains of Small Group Health Insurance post Affordable Care Act For a small employer, offering health insurance to employees can cause problems and put undue…Andy JonesJune 8, 2015