American Exchange’s health benefits management experts listen to your needs to help you find the health plan that’s right for you. They are available all year long to help you better understand the health system so you are more informed about your options and know how to access care to treat all your needs.
Caring & Advocacy
It’s our mission to help you find the best coverage & advocate year-round on your behalf.
Talk to a Health Care Advocate - Call: 888.995.1674
We Care
It's Important to us that You Find
the Perfect Health Coverage Plan
- Explain your coverage
- Help you understand your drug formulary
- Answer your insurance-related questions
Have a Question?
Let us Assist You.
We are here to help you find the best coverage.
Want to talk to a Health Care Advocate? Call Now

We Are Not Done After You Find a Plan
We Are Here to Assist You With
Your Health Coverage... And More
When You Need Us - We're Available Year-Round
American Exchange’s health benefits management experts listen to your needs to help you find the health plan that’s right for you. They are available all year long to help you better understand the health system so you are more informed about your options and know how to access care to treat all your needs.
- Help resolving ACA marketplace and health plan issues, such as documentation and premium payment errors
- Getting new insurance cards
- Help understanding how Medicare Part D formularies work
Connecting You
We will do our best to connect you with other services that may help you, such as tax professionals, community-based organizations specializing in Ryan White programs, and legal and housing support.
Ryan White/HIV/STI Outreach
You are unique and you need to find health benefits and access the care that meets your specific needs.
We will listen to your needs, then find an affordable ACA qualified health plan that covers transgender affirming procedures. We’ll also explain how to best access care so you get the services you need.
We have been able to help some of our consumers find culturally competent providers who are experienced in and sensitive to LBGTQ+ community health needs, including HIV, STIs, and infectious disease treatments.

Experiencing a Life Changing Event?
Let us Guide You Through a Special Enrollment Period
Certain life changing events, like moving or losing other insurance coverage, can qualify you for an Affordable Care Act special enrollment period (SEP) or a Medicare Special Enrollment Period (SEP).
Affordable Care Act
There are many events that qualify you for marketplace special enrollment. The most common are you:
- Lose your health insurance
- Are getting married or divorced
- Are pregnant or adopting a child
- Are moving
Our ACA SEP page provides more details about insurance life-changing events.
If you have a Medicare Advantage plan or Medicare Part D (prescription drug coverage), certain life changing events may qualify you for a Medicare Special Enrollment Period (SEP):
- A qualifying life event, like moving
- Working past age 65
The rules can be confusing and the timeframes are different based on your qualifying event. We recommend you contact American Exchange and one of our health benefits experts will help you see if you are eligible for a Medicare SEP. Or you can visit our Medicare SEP page for more information.
Want assistance with your Special Enrollment Period? Give us a Call
Contact Us
Use the form below to contact an American Exchange team member.
605 Chestnut Street
Suite 1210
Chattanooga, TN 37450
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